Following the GAME plan to gain knowledge and accomplish a particular goal was a meaningful and conscious experience. Setting goals is important in that they establish purpose for doing things. We identify what we need or want to accomplish and should understand why we want to accomplish it so that we are moved to action by our motivation. For everyone relevance propels efforts because we believe that something is important to have or accomplish. I was reminded that I must even evaluate my goals prior to pursuing them to ensure that my motives align with what I believe.
It is then that action will be maintained throughout the duration of the process. Here I was reminded of how important it is to plan for our success. Not that there can't be any fault in planning but a sense of direction is then acquired to build confidence at every turn because you know where you're going or at least where you plan to go.
A sense of awareness takes root and begins to grow to stay focus - our monitoring of our progress. That conscious watching over what we are doing and questioning that progress against the criteria we set in our goals. This is why I believe goal setting should be specific in nature so that we can precisely judge our every step toward our wants or desires.
Lastly, we evaluate the process, determining whether our goals were met. We also reflect on our learning process. How well did it work and what didn't work. We ask ourselves questions that help us to improve on the strategies we used. This is wonderful and takes self discipline and a sense of awareness. I think it cycles back around to what we believe. If we believe that evaluating our experiences is important then we will do it - no excuses.
I currently integrate technology into the classroom as a result of the learning I have received here at Walden. The most enhancement I gained from this particular course is the problem based learning. Using the inquiry research approach to teach students. This is where I want to change the learning in my classroom to a more active learning environment.
Upon beginning this in the last 3 months of school in a more structured way, I saw my students become more self-directed, motivated and engaged. Their learning was enhanced as a result of it. I became more of a facilitator to their learning oppose to having to lecture all the time. I realized this was a good thing. They willing collaborated with each other in groups and sometimes groups discussed learning with each other. They helped each other learn to use the technology. We blogged book letters and reflected on our learning in a wiki discussion board. I also posted information there that allowed students to have a reference to go to when they needed to review instructions and other information. We used digital storytelling primarily in social studies, one activity in science and one in writing. I plan to use this tool more in other subject areas in the upcoming year. I also want to expose my students to collaborate and communicate with students abroad using ePals or Skype.
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